Monday, May 25, 2009
The key to the future is the past...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Peonies and a Prayer
Friday, May 15, 2009
Little Red.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The very little I get accomplished is thanks to this:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Its perfect for a day in the yard complete with nalgene, nature/garden books, some easy sketchbooks I made this morning, snacks, colored pencils, bug box and adorable frog magnifying glass from the $bin at Target. Yes I love it. The only thing is that my blanket won't quite fit. But I want to make one like THIS someday. Someday.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A little paint...
All my plants I planted indoors blew off the deck a couple weeks ago. It was very sad. All my tomatoes were lost. :( But I am going to try again and all my peas and lettuce are doing remarkably well. That being said, the rabbits are venturing further from the forest it seems so I am a little worried. I am so glad it didn't rain today. We have been stuck indoors and it has been so depressing!! AH!
We did go to my mom's house yesterday and ended up going shopping. I FINALLY got the "More with Less" cookbook I have been wanting FOREVER for my birthday from my parents! Yay! Seems to go with my theme this year. And I bought Anastasia her first set of legos at the Legoland in Potomac Mills. She LOVES them. I wanted to get her duplos, but they were actually harder for her to use than the much smaller legos. At the lego store they have really neat things, people, and cities built from legos. They also had little buckets you could fill of any kind of legos for $7. Anastasia has spent hours building with the Legos today, and I have to rate them as the BEST TOY EVER. :) Now I just have to brave my parents attic for my tub full of them. Only flip side is, I have to supervise the lego-playing for now, and they have to be done at the table in case Isabel should happen upon some misplaced lego later. She is doing a rolly thing to inch along the floor... not quite mobile but she wishes she were.
Oh, also at the mall, we FINALLY found Anastasia some sandals. I wanted something a little cooler for her to wear in this hot weather. We found a great selection of her size sandals at Marshalls and I found the cutest ice cream sandals ever!! But when I tried them on Anastasia's foot, she hated them and declared them "comfertble" meaning uncomfortable and moaned until I took them off. THEY WERE SO CUTE. Anyway, we tried atleast 5-10 shoes on her feet. And finally she chose a cute brown pair that is totally her style. They have a cute tan flower, and are not too girly, but ruggedly feminine. Of course now she won't wear them without socks which totally defeats the purpose of sandals in the first place. lol. oh well. No one ever said toddlers were practical.
Anyway, I have to clean the house tomorrow to have my family over for a Mother's Day BBQ. Hopefully it won't rain. Again. For a week. Atleast. Ugh.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Nick gave me a really amazing cutting board from a local artisan, Mike Schmiedicke whom I have never met personally but I can definately say he does beautiful work. His etsy shop here. I have been drooling over these multi-wood cutting boards for a while, and I have to say with good reason. It is more beautiful that my rainy-day-flash-filled picture can do justice but thats what happens when it rains on your birthday. :( Oh, and my mom got me the A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food and I LOVE it. I have had it out from the library for months now (and paid a couple dollars in fines on it) so it is nice to have my own copy. It is THE resource for Organic gardening. SO my dream is to use the book to help me grow organicly yummy food to cut up on my cutting board. Yum. Oh, and did you notice how "green" my gifts are? Local artisan, recycled barnwood, organic book. So atleast my birthday was environmental friendly. That being said, I do drive my Jeep around without a tinge of regret.
Heck, even my kids must have known its my birthday because they let me sleep in until 8am! And then Isabel hung out in bed until 9am! So peaceful. But that quickly came to an end as the rainy day grumps set in. Ah well, a trip to the grocery store and some good rainy-day cleaning will lift the spirits, right? If not, the chocolate cream pie sitting in the fridge might do the trick. Happy birthday to me!