Not one of these pictures is spectacular, nor do they give you the full picture of how darling these little gowns truly are. The print has fairies and moons and stars on it. I am hoping that as summer turns to fall and winter, the girls could wear these over a pair of tight fitting jammies or long underwear.
Either way the gowns are long enough to wear for a few years or more. I think they each took a little less than an hour to make and could easily be made from a thrifted pillowcase or something of the sort. They look very Little House on the Prarie-ish to me!
And of course they are the perfect attire for torturing small kittens.
I also came up with this little hedgie who has been living in my head for way too long. Kieran has been in love with stuffed animals lately, if only to find their tags and play with them. So a tag-toy was needed. It was a simple craft, yet I plan to make several more for my Etsy shop. I will probably space the ribbons out a bit more so they are more visually stimulating to a baby as well as maybe color-coordinate them with the fabric better. Kieran does seem to love his hedgehog friend, especially sucking on his nose. He may be nice to wet, and throw in the freezer for teeth relief. I just love making little lovelies for my children! And today I have peaches to process! Fun! :)