It all started on Wednsday morning. I sat down to eat my breakfast while Anastasia slept. I had all of 45 minutes to get out the door to my Dr. appointment in Fairfax. That is when I got the phone call from Tara's husband informing me that she was in labor and headed to the hospital in Fredericksburg (a 30 minute drive from my parent's house). Then I called my mom to see if she could watch Anastasia... then I called Nick to wish him a happy Aniversary... and of course tell him what was going on. Then I packed overnight bags in case we stayed at my parents, as well as lunches, toys, diapers, etc. Then Anastasia woke up and we got in the Jeep on time.
I actually arrived in Fairfax early so I decided to go on our Whole Foods run before my appointment. Once I finally found Whole Foods (without having to turn around once!), I had 20 minutes to run in and grab Olive Oil, Shampoo, and Cannolis in order to be at my appointment on time. WELL the parking lot was packed, there were people video taping up front, and upon running inside, the HUGEST Whole Foods I have ever been in was completely packed. Guess who was there? Emeril Lagasse filming his new show "Emeril Green" on which Emeril shares his "philosophy for fresh, top quality food." They just so happened to be filming at this Whole Foods in my moment of desperate need for efficiency.
After managing the crowds, I ended up at the doctor 10 minutes late. My appointment was quick and smooth and I was out of there in 30 minutes. Next on the list: COFFEE! I stopped at Border's across the street for coffee and a macadamia cookie. And onto my parents house (an hour from Fairfax) where I dropped off Anastasia after a quick trip to Target for a gift for Tara and a card for Nick. Then I picked up popsicles and flowers at Giant and went to the hospital. Poor Tara was having some rough contractions. By around 5pm they were still rough and she was only dialated 4cm so Nick and I decided to go out to dinner for our anniversary at a hibachi steak house. It was AWESOME.
I left the instructions for Rick (Tara's husband) to call me if he needed a break, or if the baby came no matter what time. Nick and I went back to my parents house to get Anastasia and headed home in one car so we could let the dog out and I could come back the next day to visit my relatives in Richmond with my mom.
We arrived home pretty late and got to bed after 11pm. It didn't matter because I couldn't sleep. I didn't sleep until 3am after I got the phone call that Tara had a baby boy at 2:32am... 7lb, 6oz, healthy. Then I slept until 5:45 am when we got up to get to my parents so Nick could get to work on time. So on 3 hours of sleep, we went to my parents and then my mom, Caitlin, A, and I went to the hospital before heading to Richmond. I got to hold baby boy for a couple minutes (with clean hands and trying not to breath on him as I had been congested still). What an incredible cutie pie! I think he looks like a little gnome baby, so thin and with such defined tiny features. Tara was doing great and totally beaming. Anastasia wasn't sure what to make of him. I haven't heard if they named him yet or not.
After a quick visit and a cup of tea, we headed down to Richmond. This is when I really began to loose my voice. By the time we reached my uncles house... I could hardly talk. :( I enjoyed seeing my uncle Joe and aunt Terrie from Florida, as well as my Uncle Mike and Aunt Beth, cousins Timmy and Carlene and their new dog, a black lab named MOOSE. We had a great visit and left around 5ish. I drove to and from the Richmond area, had soup at my parents house and drove an hour and a half back home. We left for showers (I still couldn't talk) at Andy and Heather's and came home where I crashed until 10am this morning. And that my friends, was my past couple days of pure chaos, fun and pure exhaustion. I still can't really talk.
Here is Tara, and I and our "babies." Anastasia seems so huge next to baby boy.
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