Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring, How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways. With daffodils, and crocuses, free-range hens in the sunshine, open windows and singing birds. Barefeet, mud, and garden dreaming. Budding trees, blue skies, gentle breezes, Easter on the horizon. My friends Spring has come to Virginia. And I do not miss winter one tiny bit! The best part of this Spring is how early it has arrived!! We have been to the park sooo many times already! I am beyond excited that my hibernation is over!!!
We have all been enjoying the sunshine, and mud. Even Kieran has been walking in grass for the first time! What a sight as he runs as fast as he can in the wide open space that is our yard, and trips, falls, and gets right back up and runs again. I love everything about Spring. Even the muddy shoes that has me mopping the wood floors twice a week (which honestly, still isn't enough.) I am a little behind in starting seeds, but I think I usually am, and that is okay. I am contimplating just ordering squash and cucumber seeds and buying tomato and pepper plants. Despite my efforts, I am just not THAT organized.
I love hanging diapers and clothes on the line, while the hens peck around and the kids play in the yard. Its so picturesque until they fight over the swing and Kieran falls off the playset. And we are going to get a fence here soon so the girls will be allowed out more even if I can't physically accompany them. And we can bring our dog home from her paradise... my parents house.
We have been busy with parks, spending our tax refund, and making little easter gnomes. Kieran has mastered the slide, which is good and frightening at times. Especially because he often goes head first!
This weekend Nick started working on the final corner of our kitchen that needs paint, and it was so perfect outside, we took a hike. We found a new little spot with a pretty creek that the kids played in for a good while.
I love finding these little pockets of beauty in our own neighborhood.
I think Kieran would have gladly spent all afternoon sitting on the creek's edge tossing pebbles into the water.
What is it with boys and rocks and BIG STICKS:
Spring is good for the soul, and makes me love my little family a little more, because I can send them outside to play. And ultimately, to be kids. :) Old King Winter, you may stay away until Christmas comes again.

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