Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jag Alskar Dig!

We had a very simple Valentine's Day.  The day before Valentine's Day, we were one of those lucky East-Coasters who received more snow than Virginia characteristically gets. Ever.  I think we got about 17 inches.  In the preparation for possible power outages and weeks of possibly being snowed-in, Valentines became less of a priority.  But at least we had all that we needed to make milk sandwiches for weeks.
We have been learning about Sweden, so we had a Swedish-themed day. I made the kids "dala horse sewing kits" with the pieces cut out and ready to sew, little heart baskets (that every Scandinavian country claims as their own), and found some M&Ms and leftover Christmas candy to fill them with.

We are so fortunate that we have good friends within walking distance. So we made Vaniljkakor and had a little Valentine tea party.

And the kids went out to play in the snow as the sun was setting.  And this was the picture from my porch:
 And days like these make me happy to be just where I am.

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