Friday, April 27, 2007

For the love of DC

How will I miss you City Life? Let me count the ways...

Nick and I have been faced with a difficult decision... to leave our sweet apartment in DC to live with my family and save money for a home. We are considering the long term benefits of such a move. But I will drastically miss city life.
My mom and I went to the zoo yesterday for a couple hours with the baby. It is less than a 10 minute drive from our apartment!! And it is free, and on-street parking is free for 2 hours or so. We saw the cutest red pandas that sleep curled up in tree branches! They are way more interesting and cute than the giant pandas in my opinion!!! Little Tai Shan gets all the credit. Anastasia was quite facisnated by the giant panda though... taking a bath in front of us. Do pandas ever eat people? I don't really see them as threatening. Perhaps that is to their advantage... "aw, look at the cute, cuddly panda bear..." *CHOMP!!*

It is great being able to walk to Whole Foods in the Spring, with all the flowers blooming. I will miss the easy access to Whole Foods and Trader Joes. I wonder why organic foods taste better? And they look so much better... aren't they supposed to be crawling with bugs since they aren't sprayed? It seems somewhat ironic.

My mom helped me plant flowers around our apartment building... and amazingly they are still alive 8 days later. Maybe I have some Czech quality genes afterall. I am half Czech... and Czechs farm. They are born with green thumbs and grow vegetables and fruits organically with ease. I thought I had the black thumb of death as far as plants are concerned. Every plant I seem to touch dies. Actually I love gardening afterall! I feel in touch with my roots for the first time and it is very refreshing!

I have a weekly crafting group which is awesome! I love the creative juices that flow at our meetings! Nick comes to hang out with my fellow-crafter Gwen's boyfriend Todd. They play chess and have philisophical discussions. We were there until 1 am last night. Even Anastasia is super well-behaved at craft meetings! I also joined a hip-mommies group which I will also miss if we move back to my hometown in Stafford. God has really blessed us where we are, but He has also blessed me with a family eager to help us out... and it just feels like the right move. I am so happy to have had this great city experience!

Armand's Pizza... you too will be greatly missed.

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