Yesterday Isabel turned 2. We had a nice family party at my parent's house. Just her style with bird decor and undivided attention of doting grandparents, uncles and aunts. We tried to make it really special for her, and I think we succeeded. :)
Nick and I thanked God for our Isabel... and that she made it to the age of 2! lol. Our poor accident prone daughter frightens me sometimes with her ability to hurt herself in new ways everyday. But she is tough and resiliant. She is a sweet girl with a big heart and a great sense of humor. She loves making us laugh and is not afraid to try new things. She is very smart and wants to know how everything works. We love out Isabel, and we are so glad she had such a lovely birthday!
I was having slight regrets about spending four hours of my life on her cake this Saturday. The colors weren't what I was hoping, but Isabel was completely enchanted by it. She kept opening the fridge and asking us to come look at her cake. I think it was entirely worth it now.
And the girl's dresses turned out fantastic. I didn't take any great pictures of them, but I will. Someday when its sunny and warm outside! :)
Isabel had so much fun opening presents until her sister hit her in the eye with a book. Poor girl. She can't avoid injuries even on her birthday. She also is obsessed with candles and cakes and sings her own version of "Happy Birthday" that goes, "Happy to you you you (Mommy)" everytime someone lights a candle. She was mezmorized by her own cake, and was in little toddler Heaven when everyone sang to her and her getting to blow out her candles.
Nick surprised her with 10 balloons. Balloons are another one of her obsessions. Really, it couldn't have gotten any better for our sweet girl. :) Now I hope and pray she makes it to 3! :) Anastasia already has lots of plans for her 4th birthday which is now the talk of the day!
Happy Monday! I must now get back to cleaning up the carnage from all the party prepping, etc...
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