I can't believe he won. The "chosen one". While our enemies rejoice, I suggest we pray. Because Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright are celebrating their victory. He won in the states that will pay the most. Ronald Regan, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson are all turning over in their graves right now. I hope that it only takes one term for us to realize that Obama is not the answer... before his socialistic policies and his crummy international ideals make our freedom less available. I know our nation is not completely hopeless, we have just been completely mislead by the media and Obama's words. I hope my children will know America as we all have. God bless the USA.
Amen to that! This is a crappy day in our history. I don't care that people think it's the greatest election ever just because a black guy is now President. I have nothing against black people. But I DO have ALOT against Obama. Shame on those who voted him in.
I second your fear for our children's future. What will America look like to them? But at least it will take him time to put his agenda into action - one step at a time. We might be able to recover some ground. Only time will tell...
I agree!! I think it is great to have a black presedent... but not one who isn't proud of our country as it is. I feel like if you aren't happy in America... then leave. Try Africa for a while and see how bad off you are. Hopefully one term will show off his true colors... and it won't be to late!
All is not lost! Listen to www.wmal.com .
Yeah, this post pretty much expresses my own sentiments. I feel like I can here taps in the distance when it comes to the political future of this country.
I am more sad and depressed than anything else that so many Americans can be so dumb to vote for Chairman Obama.
He's already appointed one of the most mean-spirited leftist radicals to be his chief of staff.
on the bright side, it will be a lot of fun mocking joe biden for the next four years.
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