I have had SUCH a busy week, but it has been good in so many ways! I decided to take today, St. Patrick's Day off from my busy
Etsy shop! I spent most of my day running errands because I have been in a little gnome-crafting cave!
This evening, I had a little scavenger hunt for the girls, to find the lucky fairy treasure that had been stolen by the leprechauns. Perhaps my story line was a little more interesting than my 3 year old could handle, but we all had fun none the less!
Have you seen the
Toymaker yet? She has the
lovliest website of free printable toys! I have seen her site before, back before I had a printer, and now I have a whole new world of interesting boxes and paper toys to make! Check out the
St. Patrick's Day items!! I pretty much printed off all of them and used the lucky fairy coins for writing the clues on and the little box to put them in!
So I didn't realize the little packs of
rolos weren't individually wrapped... I just went for the
goldness of them. They looked a little dumb in packs of 3, but the girls didn't mind. And the rainbow had a final clue that lead to the little fairy/acorn dolls:
The dolls are the
Princess Nimble Thimble acorn dolls! I had every intention of trying to make some bendy dolls using the tutorial
here but just didn't have time because I have been SO BUSY making gnomes. But I can't count it to the luck 'o the Irish, no, but by the generosity and
kindness of others who have blogged about me this week! Check out
Chasing Cheerios, and my friend
Regina's blog for some lovely
gnomey posts! :) I am so floored that these little guys are so popular!!! So if you are looking for some gnomes from my shop, don't hesitate to send me a message for a reserved listing because I can't keep things in stock!!!
And lastly, I leave you with Kitty
O'Mally... the king of the (doll) house. My Irish cat, and my semi-Irish family wish you all a Happy St.
Patrick's Day! I leave you with a lovely Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I really need that embroidered somewhere...
Happy St. Patrick's Day. What a fun scavenger hunt! I love the rolos at the bottom of the rainbow. I might have to do that next year.
Thanks Tina! Yeah, I think they would have looked better had they been individually wrapped! lol. Maybe some gold coin candy would be cute too!
Sorry I haven't emailed you back... it might be a while! I am swimming in orders! :) Thanks for stopping by!
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